Monday, May 3, 2010

well then... let's begin

Yeah, I'm really behind with posting and such. It's pretty demanding to do all this and I don't even know of it's really worth all of the effort. Who am I kidding? It's hard work but I'm proud of what becomes of it.

Blogging explanations is the final step but by the time things finish rendering and uploading, I'm really not in the mood to follow up. lol.

At any rate, my channel will be gearing more towards SSFIV but other matches from other games will be thrown into the mix. It's funny how some of this stuff evolves though. I originally created my YouTube channel just to rally support to get Rage of the Dragons on GGPO. If any of you are familiar with it, please request Rage to be put on there. Since then though, I've managed to pull out some old video capture devices to record other matches, namely Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars. This blog was actually to document ragequits but has also risen above such.

Summer is approaching so that means BlazBlue: Continuum Shift season will get underway. TvC and MvC2 are also stuff i want to add as well as some RotD action with Sensei for old times' sake if it's possible and maybe some Garou matches should i feel like going back to that. I'm also looking into a new capture device to further improve video quality. Hopefully i could get it soon.

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