Friday, May 28, 2010

another lack of updates

yeah. yeah. I've been super lazy on the posting. I had a good thing going for a while but then, like I stated before, it becomes a little much to keep up with all the action.

I'm going to try to be a little more conscious about posting but I'm not making any promises. One of my 360s went down again. I'm positive that it falls within the 3% unrepairable margin. It's still under warranty from the guy who has fixed it two other times so he's going to take another look at it. This would be the fifth time it had to be fixed since I've been in possession of it. A friend of my sister's fixed it twice before but he was out of work then and I couldn't bother him for a third try. The person who I take it to now noticed that the fan is really weak and suggested I get a fan mod but the true problem may be more sinister. I'll have to talk to him at length about possible issues and see what he said. So far i think i put a little more money in this than I should have already but oh well.

So what does this all have to do with anything? Since this was my extra 360 that was gathering dust, I wanted to see if it was fixable in the first place. This new person got it up and running and has been in my room connected to my desktop for capture and streaming purposes.... well it's just more comfortable to play in my room without having to worry about someone wanting to watch something in a communal area. Since she (my 360) is rendered incapacitated for the time being, I'm that much farther behind in getting into the flow of SSFIV. It has been difficult enough to only get a few hours in on the weekends and with this new RROD, I'm set back another week, not working my core. I have yet to test out my new capture software with the 360 as she died just before I could try.

Looks like more TvC is underway. I do plan on testing my streaming capabilities once more with the new capture card if I get some downtime. It's a long weekend and life > video games. If you don't agree with me then that probably means you have trouble living yours.

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