So I finally captured a match against JEFFREY. I really don't like fighting against this guy. Usually, he comes on later when I've finished recording for the night. All the encounters I've had with him go unrecorded unless I posted one early on that I forgot about.
He has more experience and time with the game than I have, obviously. As of this video he has over 1100 wins in free battle alone. I have never had a ranked match against him so I don't know how he fairs there. Every time i run into him its like he tacked on a few hundred more wins. Well you might be thinking that doesn't say much cuz people play for blah blah blah when blah blah blah or blah blah blah for whatever blah blah blah reason. That's bullshit cuz I face this guy a lot more than I'd care to admit. Sometimes I'd face him night after night at the same time. I never really paid much attention to his stats or whatever until the frequency of our encounters became too noticeable. One night he had 600 wins and a more than winning percentage. The next night he would have over 700 wins and a grip load of BP added and i'm like o_O. I remember jesting with my old GGPO war buddy, Sensei about how next time I see him he's going to have over a thousand wins. I think i was close and he was over 900. Question... how long do you have to play to get so many wins? FUNK DAT! GET A LIFE!
I usually admire people with high stats because I'm usually treated to some very impressive skill sets in which I am a true underdog. Sensei can attest to this and how I play Pupa in RotD also is a good representation of my own running game. I have one purely for LOLs. This JEFFREY uses it as an integral part of his formula for success. For someone who is new to the game its fairly normal to play like this. He takes it farther than any scrub can.. I hate using that term cuz for the most part I believe in do whatever is necessary to win. I think it goes beyond "faggotry" what this kid does.
Before my short break, his main team consisted of Soki and Saki. It was pretty much expected to see this team linked to the tag "JEFFREY." I remember fighting him when I first started playing online and a combination of Morrigan with Roll comprised my main team. During my evolution to all most exclusively using Jun and Chun Li, his team remained the same. I will admit he got the better of me and many nights he'd win by the slimmest of margins. Other nights I'd be soundly defeated and not gain a single win. It would just get under my skin because it would be the same bullshit I'd be up against. Sometimes after a very close loss, I would be unable to secure a rematch. The reason being that I'm on to his bullshit.
His Soki is where I've learned how to deal with a majority of them. Same L L L L L L L L bullshit. Before the break, his Soki was the aggressor, for lack of a better term, of his team. Still ran for the the hills but when one L made contact you knew a hundred more would follow. If he got into a rhythm it annoyed me. When things got too heated he'd switch to his Saki. That bitch would get the fuck out the way every fucking time. If either got trapped in a corner, they got their shit pushed in.
This recent match up caught me off guard. He switched Saki out for Polimar and even had him point man. For a moment... maybe a tiny fraction of a nano second, I actually thought he'd be agressive. Polimar doesn't seem like the type of character to run. Of course I was wrong once I got deeper into the match.
I don't know how long it took him to slightly (and I mean slightly. After all those fucking wins you'd think he'd improve by leaps and bounds.) adjust his Soki but he understands the match up against Jun. In this video you see that he crouches a lot and doesn't take the offensive like most L L L L L L L L Sokis... He's still an L L L L L L L L L Soki btw. He just learned how to baroque into more L L L L L L L. In one vid, Sensei pointed out a 10 second period where a Soki kept eating my crouching attack. Because we've fought so much, JEFFREY knows of this, hence the crouching. That didn't save him though I used to eat those overhead slashes but I've gotten better at seeing them come out.
He still runs around like a faggot even though he has the offensive edge. Super jumping, back jumping and back dashing... WTF? He had a commanding lead over me but that never deterred me. Whether he's toying with me or not, never let up in a fight unless you are absolutely sure you have the match down lock and key. Some things never change... every time he got cornered he got his shit pushed in. One other thing to note, that Polimar super I keep seeing that try to close out the match, highly unreliable.
So in closing, if any of you ever come across JEFFREY, stay calm and shut down his running game. Easier said than done but his skills and strategies fall like a house of cards when there's no where to run.
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