I haven't been too active in the TvC arena in a while. I took that short week break and upon return I just wanted to get in a little TvC on the weekends when i have some free time. As it turns out, It has been yet another week where i haven't played. Oh well, really.
My attention is divided greatly. With the impending release of SSFIV, I thought I should dust the cobwebs off and practice a little. The same goes with BlazBlue, although I haven't played it since some time last year. I guess you could expect me to record some other stuff when i finally get my xbox repaired or replaced... I'm leaning towards both options. I stopped playing both games around the same time last year as you can't stop life nor would I want for that matter.
Yes my secret life is being that of a fighting game enthusiast but it's just that. I do think about matches and characters a lot more than I care to admit but that never took priority over my personage outside the confines of an online match making lobby. Although anime and games can set the imagination free, the essence of true real world interaction or even just observation does feed the soul. I gripe about what happens when I go out with friends but what's more important is I am out.
How industrious I am in various areas dictates how much time I can (or want) to allocate to playing games. Saturday was full of stuff I needed to attend to but Sunday, I opted to lounge around in the afternoon. Hope my decision doesn't disappoint anyone. Just like the tides, expect intervals high in updates and as the flow changes, spans of low activity shall pass.
Strive to become more like water... blah blah blah. Just maintain a balance in all areas of your life and things work out for the better. ^_^
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